Episode 105 by Tiana Smith Coaching
In this episode of Master Your Mind to Master Your Business Online, I share 3 Steps to creating a healthy (and FUN!) work-life balance…while also growing a profitable business online.
Have you ever had the fear that if you make the money you want to make you’ll have to sacrifice time doing the things you love…
or spending time with the people you love?
GOOD NEWS! That’s not true at all!
When you organize your goals, your schedule and keep to your boundaries, it’s 100% possible to create a Highly Profitable (6-7 figures+) while still living your dream lifestyle with those you love!
Check out the video below or the podcast above and I’d love to know what you think!
I’ve also included my personal notes as I went through this training if it helps you out!

Here are my 3 Proven Steps To have More Fun and Grow Your Business at the same time:
- Get HELP in the areas you want improvement in.
- Mindset Coach/Therapist- helps me get aware and objective about any issues in myself, my life, my business, boundaries
- Fitness Coach/Nutrition
- At times I’ve had sales coaches, masterminds, courses, etc. INVEST in whatever you want to grow from EXPERTS with a proven track record
- Get Your Schedule Clear
- Set business hours
- Sales calls times
- Marketing times
- YOUR time for you (The gym)
- Keep your Promises to Yourself
- When you break promises with yourself- you don’t trust you- and the people in your life don’t trust you
- Your own goals
- Your partner/spouse
- Children
- Clients
- ****Boundaries are a form of this. Contracts. Pre-nups, post-nups, agreements. All relationships require healthy boundaries- including the one with yourself.

I help entrepreneurs, coaches and course creators scale their business online through my 3-part proven system: LUXE branding, done-for-you Funnels and Cash Injection Coaching.